Steam started saying “You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:”

Screenshot of the error Steam gave when I tried to start it. It reads: You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:

I got mine back up and running by removing and purging Steam, then reinstalling it.

To note this is going to uninstall the Steam client completely. You will need to log back in to Steam. It didn’t delete any installed games or saves for me. You have backups just in case though, right?

If you store your Steam content on an alternate disk, you’ll need to set it back up in Steam when you log back in but all your games etc should still be there.

sudo apt remove steam steam-launcher
sudo apt purge steam steam-launcher
sudo apt autoremove
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Steam && rm -rf ~/.steam
cd Downloads
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ./steam_latest.deb

Give that a go. Once I’d done that the Steam client did an update and started up. I had to log back in and re-add my game library (I store my games on a separate disk) and everything was back to normal.

It may be possible that there’s a shortcut or better method to be had here but I just wanted to get back into my Factorio session. Do ping me an email if there’s a quicker solution!